
I teach at both undergraduate and masters levels on international development and political economy. I designed several new courses tailored to political science and international relations students. My undergraduate lecture course at Leiden, International Development, is available here.

I have been running a specialist post-graduate module, The Politics of Natural Resource-led Development, both in Sheffield and Leiden for six years. The syllabus is available here.

PhD Supervision and Examination

I served as External Examiner to the following PhD students:

(1) Suyani Indriastuti, Nottingham University, UK (2018): The Governance of Mining and the Human Security of Local Community: A Case Study of the Indonesian Coal Mining Industry.

(2) Lian Napier Sinclair, Murdoch University, Australia (2020): Undermining Conflict: Multnational Miners, Conflict and Participation in Indonesia.

(3) Emerson Manabat Sanchez, University of Canberra, Australia (2020): Discourses of Development and Disasters: Shocks and Responses in Philippine Mining.

Please browse through my publications and research projects if you are interested to discuss working with me as your potential supervisor. I am more than happy to support high quality and innovative PhD applications for funding via the European Research Council, national scholarships, and other alternative funding sources.

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